Enhancing understanding of protest rights with Extinction Rebellion



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Enhancing understanding of protest rights with Extinction Rebellion

We partnered with Extinction Rebellion's legal team to simplify complex legal concepts into clear visuals and text.

Joost van Asseldonk

Joost van Asseldonk

Legal designer/Illustrator

Given the diverse group of activists, we used a single, straightforward illustration for each topic. The material was shared on social media to inform and empower participants about their legal rights and risks during protests.

Police may try to access the arrestee’s phone. Certain measures can prevent the police from succeeding.
All who want to join an action are strongly advised to follow a practical training before attending their first action.
Personal belonings may be retained by the police. Writing their lawyer’s name on an arm is therefore strongly advised for people who join an aciton.
People joining actions are sometimes afraid that it will badly affect their future chances of getting hired. We explained the risks.